Bishu, S.G. & Heckler, N. (2020). Women Municipal Managers Doing and Undoing Gender. Journal of Public Administration and Theory.
Bishu, S.G. and Headley, A.M. (2020). Equal Employment Opportunity: Women Administrators in Male Roles. Public Administration Review.
Bishu, S.G. and Kennedy, A. (2020). Facing the Giant: A Framework to Undo Sex-Based Discrimination in Academia. Public Administration Review.
Kennedy, A. and Bishu, S.G. (2020). This for That: EEOC Outcomes and Representative Bureaucracy. Review of Public Personnel Administration.
Stonehill, A., Bishu, S.G., and Taddse, H. (2020). Factors associated with long-acting and short-acting reversible contraceptive use in Ethiopia. British Medical Journal Sexual and Reproductive Health.
Kennedy, A., Bishu, S.G., and Heckler, N. (2020). Feminism, Masculinity, and Active Representation: A Gender Analysis of Representative Bureaucracy. Administration and Society.
Bishu, S.G., Guy. M.A. and Heckler, N. (2019). Seeing Gender and Its Consequences. Journal of Public Affairs Education.
Ali, S.B., Bishu, S.G. and Alkadry, M.G. (2018). Why Men and Women Want to Leave? Turnover Intent, American Review of Public Administration. 48(7): 668-684.
Alkadry, M.G., Bishu, S.G. and Ali, S.B. (2017). Beyond Representation: Gender, Authority and City Managers, Review of Public Personnel Administration.
Bishu, S.G. and Alkadry, G.M. (2017). A Systematic Review of the Gender Pay Gap and the Factors that Predict It. Administration and Society,49(1): 65-104.
Bishu, S.G. (2016). Collective Versus Individual Gain of “Natural Sprawl” A Response to Okulicz-Kozaryn’s Article on “Natural Sprawl”. Administration & Society, 48(9), 1157-1164.
Bishu, S.G. and Garcia-Zamora, J.C (2014). Institutional Bureaucratic Representation in Gender Mainstreaming. Global Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, 3(3): 229-237.
Bishu S.G. (2018). Gender Representation in the Public Sector. In: Farazmand A. (eds) Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. Springer, Cham.
Bishu, S.G. (2016). Book Review: Managing the Next Generation of Public Workers: A Public Solutions Handbook by Madinah F. Hamidullah, Public Administration Review, 76(4):686-688.
Bishu, S.G. (2020). Gender Equity in The Workplace. In Mary E. Guy and Sean McCandless (Eds). Social Equity: New Dimensions and Challenges, Irvine, CA: Melvin & Leigh Publ.
Bishu, S.G. (2019). Global Perspectives on Emotional Labor in Public Service, Chapter Title: Emotional Labor of Public Servants in Rwanda. (Forthcoming).
Bishu, S.G. (2018). Routledge Handbook of Women in Public Administration: A Global Perspective, Chapter Title: Equality for Women in Sub Sahara Africa: Still a Long Road to Travel.
Bishu, S.G. and Alkadry, G. M. (2014). The War on Poverty in Retrospective. In Farmbry, K. The Poverty-Policy Link (p. 1-21). Lexington Books.
Bishu, S.G. and Heckler, N. Women Municipal Managers Doing and Undoing Gender. Journal of Public Administration and Theory.
Bishu, S.G. When Not Enough is Enough: Why Women City Mangers Accept Pay Inequity?
Bishu, S.G. and Headley, A.M. Equal Employment Opportunity: Women Administrators in Male Roles.
Kenedy-Shaffer, A. and Bishu, S.G. This for That: EEOC Outcomes and Representative Bureaucracy.
Stonehill, A., Taddese, H. and Bishu, S.G. Factors associated with long-acting and short-acting reversible contraceptive use in Ethiopia.